Friday, July 2, 2010

Experience in the Blog

Hi! Today is the last post and is time of to evaluate this experience.
I think that the blog was a good experience for learn more English, more vocabulary and the quickly of the creation of sentences. Besides never I have had a blog or web page of this type where one can write about a theme.
The blog was a task maybe easier than the listening (in special for me), and for that is a possibility for to obtain better marks, I suppose. I think that to write in the blog was important and a benefice for my English, I think that I can learn more but I should say that I feel a few of frustration with the learning. This semester has been definitely more difficult.
Sometimes posts were more boring than others for example the post about the favourite object technologic. The posts more interesting were the post about the one place that one has visited and the post about you favourite photo. In this post I can speak at length easier and was fun to tell about me.
The disadvantages of the blog can be that the blog take time and sometimes we don’t achieve to write all post or we don’t achieve to post to the classmates or maybe some classmates dislike the blog and there isn`t interest. This is not my case, I want learn English but how already I said this semester has been more difficult.
I believe the blog was enjoyable. It is a new something to have blog and that already is a motivation. Besides to decorate your own blog and to show photos are interesting. The most important is the writing and also the lecture of the post of the classmates.

Bye, Bye!!