Saturday, May 29, 2010



I should say that the technology isn’t really my friend. I have a mobile phone and I believe that I understand just my mobile phone. The people would say that my phone is old.
I have a notebook too and these two objects is the only proximity with the technology. I think that is the basic.

Now, I think in my favourite piece of technology and can be the machine of hair remove. It is some funny say it but I think that is very useful. Maybe today the machine isn’t very technology because exist the laser depilation.

So… Women!!:

The machine has antecedents in 1903 with the machine of shave by King Gillete. Later the women used the depilatory wax. The electric machines appear after of 1950.
There are a great quantity of models and brands.
The best I wouldn’t know say but I have a Braun silk-epil. This machine is easy to use and is portable.
For women is an essential element. Besides there are other forms and other process maybe more technologic that this machine.

There are many machines and the technology grows and grows. Appear new objects that the people want have. Today the world is technologic, connected. The word INTERNET say it all.

Meanwhile I will follow with my machine and my mobile phone until it dead.


Friday, May 14, 2010

San Pedro

Today I will tell about a trip that I did 2 years ago. The summer 2008 I worked in a Packing, in Choapinos, a town next to Rosario, where I Live. I worked with many apples. UF! Besides with mi sister went to trade fair to sell clothes. So I save up enough money for travel to Antofagasta In February of that year. I went in the Carmelita’s Bus, I remember that I was the only woman there… I was surrounded by miners. It was very funny trip. My friend Natalia waited me in the terminal Bus.
There we decided go to San Pedro de Atacama. We invited two friends more. We camped.
I love the desert, should be because I have north blood.
There we saw craftwork, we went to Museum, and we did a tour by the Atacama salt and went for a swim there. The fantastic was that we floated because the salt is many in the water. Also we went with boys that we knew to a celebration of the native people. In the celebration they presented poems and songs and spoke a man and he said that the foreigners weren’t welcome. Later it come the dance. The persons danced SAYA and others dance. I like that kind of music I feel very good.
That trip was the best. So San Pedro wait for me again!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


A website interesting is The website of the Contemporary Art Museum. First because is part of our university and second because the web have many information very useful.
Recently I take the time for check the website. In the class “Catalogue Collection” we should do a catalogue about some paintings, in special the portraits. Then we should check the web. There is a new section called “Preservation and Documentation” there you can find a line of the time since the foundation of the museum until 1962. All information has not been included. In the line of time is all the exposition that the museum has done. You can click every link of the exposition and download in PDF the catalogue just if is available. We can have access to valuable information and that be useful for our own investigation work.
Now in the museum there is an exposition about the Chilean painter Ximena Cristi. There are many paintings that belong to the Contemporary Art Museum or are property of the artist or the other universities.
Mi invitation is that you check the web and of that form we learn more principally about the Chileans painters, famous painters that studied in this Faculty.
I think that I will inform more about this web.