Friday, May 7, 2010


A website interesting is The website of the Contemporary Art Museum. First because is part of our university and second because the web have many information very useful.
Recently I take the time for check the website. In the class “Catalogue Collection” we should do a catalogue about some paintings, in special the portraits. Then we should check the web. There is a new section called “Preservation and Documentation” there you can find a line of the time since the foundation of the museum until 1962. All information has not been included. In the line of time is all the exposition that the museum has done. You can click every link of the exposition and download in PDF the catalogue just if is available. We can have access to valuable information and that be useful for our own investigation work.
Now in the museum there is an exposition about the Chilean painter Ximena Cristi. There are many paintings that belong to the Contemporary Art Museum or are property of the artist or the other universities.
Mi invitation is that you check the web and of that form we learn more principally about the Chileans painters, famous painters that studied in this Faculty.
I think that I will inform more about this web.


  1. You loved the Chilean painters…
    Its good have tools for the works in the internet!!!
    Your website is very important for all people in this school.

  2. Mac's web site is e page very nice. I believe that is part of a change of the faculty of arts

  3. Cony!!!!
    You knows me something new! I never hadn't visited the website of the MAC. And, only by your description, I'm going to visit it!!!!

  4. Is very interesting the description that you do, I think that were great to choose a site that is very important to our career.
