Saturday, May 29, 2010



I should say that the technology isn’t really my friend. I have a mobile phone and I believe that I understand just my mobile phone. The people would say that my phone is old.
I have a notebook too and these two objects is the only proximity with the technology. I think that is the basic.

Now, I think in my favourite piece of technology and can be the machine of hair remove. It is some funny say it but I think that is very useful. Maybe today the machine isn’t very technology because exist the laser depilation.

So… Women!!:

The machine has antecedents in 1903 with the machine of shave by King Gillete. Later the women used the depilatory wax. The electric machines appear after of 1950.
There are a great quantity of models and brands.
The best I wouldn’t know say but I have a Braun silk-epil. This machine is easy to use and is portable.
For women is an essential element. Besides there are other forms and other process maybe more technologic that this machine.

There are many machines and the technology grows and grows. Appear new objects that the people want have. Today the world is technologic, connected. The word INTERNET say it all.

Meanwhile I will follow with my machine and my mobile phone until it dead.


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