Friday, June 25, 2010


Today I am going to evaluate the Amanda’s Blog.
Well, I first I can say is the name of the blog: “I don’t know” I ask why? Maybe it is by the difficult for to learn English. It is a possibility.
She has eight post of ten. I think that lack motivation. I know the English have resulted difficult in special the listening, but the blog is a form for improve the language and “to save the marks”.
I like the post of the person that we admired, she chose to Charles Chaplin. I think that she put more enthusiasm in to writing this post, the images and the title made the difference. Besides we can note in the lecture and in the extension. Aside from the theme, it is interesting of writing. In the other topics there is few motivation, besides I think the texts aren`t completes.
I noted some problems of the grammar, the creation of the sentences or vocabulary. I saw problems with the sentences in past but I am not the person appropriate for to evaluate this part, I have mistakes too.
I don’t think that it is necessary put images in every post but I think is a form to show an interest in the blog. Although the texts are the most important, the images are important too. In my case, I think the image do the blog more presentable, but it is just an aesthetic thing.
The blog is good but obviously can be better.


  1. :) and what happened with Amanda? I miss her.

  2. Hi, Rosarito!
    I think the same thing about the post of Charles Chaplin, the interest of Amanda is evident and this make a good post.


  3. i'm not agree with your perspective of the images in blog XDDD
    i think is like an invitation to visit and to have an approximation to a history =)


  4. Charles Chaplin! oh! I agree with the comments about of this post.

  5. Yes, the post of Chaplin is very good.
    Maybe, Amanda Leaf the course.....
