Friday, June 4, 2010


Today we visited the TED website and there we saw a presentation of Ken Robinson. I don’t remember very well but I had heard him.
I believe the ideas that Ken Robinson exposed is very interesting and I think that is totally truth.
He is a man very didactic and funny for exposed his thought. It is the main reason for the people follow him.
One of the things that He said was the young people start the studies now and finish in 2065. It is some comic but have some of real. Today a degree isn’t enough. We need a Master or a PhD for can get a job. I think that is a matter of the universities or of the government, I don’t know but is for win money and money.
Other thing very interesting is that today the schools have preoccupation just for the mathematics and language and the Art WHAT? The society and the institutions don’t teach music, art, and dance. The society don’t accept this how a career or the support of the life.
Ken Robinson believes that the schools kill the creativity. It is hard say it but is happening. He tell a story about a little girl that was drawing a god and the teacher said that nobody know how looks god. The girls answer her that will wait a minute. I like this example because shows the naivety, the ability and the most important the creativity that the teacher almost or not destroyed.
The art will not be to the end. The art should be in same conditions of the others courses.


  1. Yes, the art isn't considerate as a profitable career. IN general, for the government the culture is sight as a thing of minor importance, the cultural political like a joke...

  2. it´s very common to listen that the art only can be a hobby, because the art isn´t a good sopport fot this system.... for luck!
