Friday, June 18, 2010



Wow…Think in our country is to see a big and large strip of earth, from north until the south there are many different cultures, beliefs and traditions. Chile is a country very diverse, but that is not a reason for to be a country separated, on the contrary I think that Chile is close and also nationalist. There are many instances in the Chilean people can demonstrate your patriotic spirit. There are fundamental events as LA TELETÓN or now with The World Coup and the spirit or Chilean sold is more lighted than ever. All the people celebrated, include me, the game with Honduras. We won.
The spirit nationalist follow with life, sometimes the people think the culture already isn’t the most important or simply we forgot it. I think that is a mistake, is true the native people are less and a new music, for example, has come but the food and the celebrations follow equal.
I like be a Chilean I can’t leave the “Sopaipillas”, and not in a day so rainy how today, the traditional dances as “la cueca” or “saya” and “tinku”, dances of the North, I prefer this last.
The Chilean is patriotic, supportive and is comic but there is at least one Chilean in every country of the world. Did you have thought in that?
In advertising on TV about the earthquake I heard a phrase, I don`t remember it very well but said: “When one part of the Chile fell, the other part lifted it”. I think the solidarity is the most important of the Chilean people.


  1. I see the people and think that as is true.
    But the only I prefer of all things, are the sopaipillas!!! Also the calzones rotos and sopailillas pasadas for the rain!!! Are very good!

  2. Well, I think that the solidarity isn't the most important characteristic of the Chilean People. This Tuesday I answered a survey of a group of anthropologist and one of the topic was to write in 20 seconds words that you related with the word "chilean" . I looked the leaf of a classmate, and they wrote: chamullero, chanta, and others words.
    The opinions are diverses.


  3. We should do sopaipillas together!!!!!!!

  4. with your description cony as that come to my head the "picardia", i don´t know why really XD.

    but i like to think in the "picardia" of the Chilean more that in the solidarity for example, because i belive that in the "picardia" is hidden one lucid humor, one point of escape inside the contex that to press
