Friday, April 30, 2010

Favourite artist


It is difficult to speak of my favourite artist because I love the art and are many the artists that I like. But I really like the realist or naturalist painters. If I think in Chile I can name to Pedro Lira or Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma.
The portraits of Pedro Lira are very pretty, I believe that I he is an excellent draftsman of the human figure. His painting more representative is “La carta”. The most exciting of the picture isn’t the style, aren’t the colours that the painter can have used or the way in that He used the paintbrush, thinking in a specific technique. No, I want to say that the most exciting is the scene that the painter represent. A woman hides a letter in her back because someone comes to room. I can imagine a story of prohibited love or something like that.
Pedro Lira and Alfredo Valenzuela Puelma are Chilean painters of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.
Some paintings of these painters are in the National Museum of fine arts, “La carta” is there.

I like the European artists but in this occasion I prefer “lo chileno”.

Friday, April 23, 2010

visiting the web

Today I visited the web and a try of practice some of English, but I found some complicated. Listen English is the most difficult for me, for that the web is good, bit a bit I can learn.

I practice with the quizzes about pronunciation but I got 3 points good of 10. It is bad.
Besides practice in “Wordmaster” and there I got better points. That I like, is a game very funny, is a form interesting for to learn. I understood that I should learn a lot of vocabulary and the sounds and pronunciation of the word. I think that I will visit this web more often.

I hope that you have enjoyed playing in the puzzles, “wordmaster” and making quizzes.
The web page has all. Is very complete. It has news, radio and weather. Besides, obviously, the exercises of English, very educational. There are series as “Flatmates”, it looks very funny. Me in particular I didn’t see. You do?

Post me. bye

Friday, April 16, 2010

Do you remember the earthquake of February 27 th?
I think that was horrible.
I was in a Pub called “Camello Loco” in Rengo, city next to Rosario, my home town. I was with my friends and when the earth started to move. I felt very fear. I screamed and a friend mine took me and we left out of the place. I remember the movement never finished. It was so eternal.
I think that my house was in the floor because my house is of mud. But thanks to God nothing happened. I could arrive to my home at 7.30 am and I could see to my family.
My father, my mother, my sister and the dog were fine. My mother was scared. I got it of her, I think.
There are many people without home. That is very sad. I think the children and old people, they suffer more. The help arrived, but isn’t enough. The south of the country was destroyed. I helped with money and clothes. I little help of part mine.
I hope that your experience haven’t been bad.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hi everybody!!

I am Constanza but you can call me "Rosarito" is a new nickname that I Like. I think that is funny.
Well, This semester I hope give good marks in the university. I will make the effort.
I study Theory and History of the Art how you.
I don`t want that the time spend quickly, for that I will enjoy it. Spend good moments is some like that a new way of live. Read, listen to music, sing, laugh, cook, dance and learn y give the knowledge that I need and I want.

Bye, Until other post. :D