Friday, April 16, 2010

Do you remember the earthquake of February 27 th?
I think that was horrible.
I was in a Pub called “Camello Loco” in Rengo, city next to Rosario, my home town. I was with my friends and when the earth started to move. I felt very fear. I screamed and a friend mine took me and we left out of the place. I remember the movement never finished. It was so eternal.
I think that my house was in the floor because my house is of mud. But thanks to God nothing happened. I could arrive to my home at 7.30 am and I could see to my family.
My father, my mother, my sister and the dog were fine. My mother was scared. I got it of her, I think.
There are many people without home. That is very sad. I think the children and old people, they suffer more. The help arrived, but isn’t enough. The south of the country was destroyed. I helped with money and clothes. I little help of part mine.
I hope that your experience haven’t been bad.


  1. Your dog is a member of your family?
    Interesting =)
    I think that we must to help, like you.

    Bye! =)

  2. Yes, I remember.
    How forgot it?
    It’s true, the people suffer more. But, What can we do?
    It’s something that doesn’t depends of us.

  3. Cony:

    “Camello Loco” is very fun the name!!!
    I’m happy know that nothing happened.


  4. ajajajaj yes, it´s very good name. i asked me, how are the partys in that crazy place?????

  5. Funny name for a pub on a very tragic night. I think many Chileans helped during the earthquake. That is one of the nice parts.
